It's a brand new year, let's set some goals... 🦋


Hey MAD Fam, 

First of all, Happy New Year! A brand new year and a brand new opportunity for growth, kicking goals and creating memories. 

So, to kick off our first blog for the year, I wanted to chat a bit about goal setting! If you follow along on our socials you would have seen the polls we posted recently relating to 2022 goals & whether you have already set them! 

Goal setting is obviously a personal practice and there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to go about it, you can set goals that are specific (e.g. do 10 pull ups by June), or you can set intentions for how you want this year to feel (e.g. I want to find more balance), or you can set an overall goal for the week/month (e.g. I want to make 10 sales every month), the list goes on! Remember they are YOUR goals so make sure you are making goals that feel right for you! 

For us personally, goal setting is a huge motivator… 

As a business we create yearly goals, quarterly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals and even daily goals. 

Goals give you a focus.  

So let’s break down exactly how we do that… 

Yearly goals

At the end of 2021 we had a reflection & planning meeting where we sat down and looked back over the year that had been, what went well, what didn’t, what we could improve on, what opportunities were missed, what milestones we achieved etc. 

This was a really important part of our goal setting process because it allowed us to see where we were compared to where we ideally would be in that next stage! 

We then broke down our business into different parts such as marketing goals, sales goals, operations goals, collection goals, socials goals, what we want to keep doing & what we want to start doing. This helps us to focus & create goals with a quantifiable outcome. This helps us to reflect at the end of a time period and know whether we are sitting where we had hoped to be sitting. 

Quarterly goals 

If you are in e-commerce (or any business really) you will know exactly what you have coming up in the next 3 months, what new collections you have launching, what campaigns you have running, what influencers you are working with etc. We like to sit down before each quarter and create goals for the next 3 months relative to what we have coming up! 

Monthly goals 

Just like quarterly goals we like to sit down at the start of each month and work out our monthly goals. How many sales we want to make, how many pieces we want to sell, how much we want our socials to grow etc, we love doing this because it reignites motivation & is great for monthly reflection to see how we are tracking. 

Weekly goals 

For us at MAD, we are big believers in choosing a ‘focus’ for the next week. Each Monday night we sit down and have a meeting. We discuss how the previous week went, what happened, how our sales went etc. We then like to discuss the week coming up, obviously being a business owner your to-do list is never ending, so by having 1-3 main focuses for the week, it helps us both to know what we are working on and what we will have done by the time the next meeting rolls around. 

Daily goals 

Our daily goals really are just how we organise our to-do lists. If we didn’t have a daily to-do list we may never get much done. We love to use the program asana to have our to-do lists in and break them down into daily goals. This program is also amazing for collaborating because you can quickly check what each other is working on that day without having to check in with each other constantly.

We are huge on goal setting and notice such a big difference when we put energy into setting goals. Not only is it a great motivator, it’s also a great reflection tool to look back over what you have achieved. 

Remember: when you set goals & you achieve them, celebrate them, no matter how big or small! That is one of our goals this year, to celebrate more often. Sometimes you get so caught up in the rush that you forget to look back on how far you have come! 

We’d love to hear what goals you are setting this year! Let’s keep each other accountable! 

Love always 

Mads & Jayme x